Changing the third-person player camera position.

Is there anyway to change the third-person player camera position?

I’d like to change it’s position in response to my player model but I can’t seem to find any settings anywhere (I would have assumed they would be in the Player Start actor)


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Hi Yaxchilan,

Taking the Blueprint Thirdperson Template as an example, if you open up MyCharacter inside the Blueprints folder and head over to the components tab, you’ll see under CameraBoom the FollowCamera which you can position as you’d like. There are other threads on AnswerHUB regarding how to change perspective and zooming in/out as well. :slight_smile:


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Woa! So simple… I feel like a fool :slight_smile:

Go into your character blueprint, on the left double click your camera, the new editing window will allow you to move the springarm camera to your desired height/position, you can also do this manually by clicking the camera and then entering the location scale on the right under “Transform”

Go into your character blueprint, on the left double click your camera, the new editing window will allow you to move the springarm camera to your desired height/position, you can also do this manually by clicking the camera and then entering the location scale on the right under “Transform”