Accessed None, or wait, it found it? HUH?

So, it started with me trying to do this Blueprint Spline locked side scroller link:see here if interested, but in First Person. Basically I want to move my default pawn to a spline. It seems like an easy enough direct blueprint setup. The default pawn has a BP variable that points to the splines instance blueprint. However, after getting it all setup I would get an Accessed None when running in editor. I checked the typical solutions, I have both actors in the scene and the correct instance is in the pawns detail panel.

Well then I tried to do some debugging, and have gotten to the point where I’m just trying to print out what the game is finding as the spline variable(game path) when played. Oddly with this I’m seeing two printouts “none” AND “the correct component name”. If I use an event tick, its shows both over and over. Like the variable has both none and the component or the component keeps getting removed and readded?
Here’s the setup:

Here is my string print out:

My game path has no events, just some construction scripting to build the spline component. But will post just in case.

So, asking for some help here… Why am I getting the two print outs? Hopefully I get get rid of the NONE and solve everything. Thanks for help.

Is it possible that you have two characters in the game? In your game mode is a value “Default Pawn Class”. I allways set this to “None” if the character is allready in the level or if I spawn it myself. You could use something like that to check what exactelly prints out what: