Procedural Building (Array question)

Hi, I have built a procedural building using the same type of system as the epic tutorial building procedural room generation. I have built the building and have set it all up perfectly but with one little problem is with the front bottom ground floor. I have set the ground floor as one forloop with each side having its own loop including the floor itself and then the did the random int in range for the higher floors to get it to look nice as I am using the blueprint to build a city. The problem that I have having is that the I want to set only 1 door and have the rest to be random. my buildings only change on the Y direction and I did try make Array and set them individually but the problem then becomes my Y dimension. my Y dimension very between 3 and 6. depending on the look I want the City to look like. If I set the make array to 6 when y building Y dimension is 3 the tiles overlap. how can I get around this problem. Will I have to make 4 different array’s and set a bool for if Y = Number , true (set array that has Number Array).