How to rotate camera using arrow keys

Hello i am new to unreal engine and want to have it where on the topdown project i can use the arrow keys to rotate camera that watches the player.

Thank you also i saw someone say this on something before im not to sure if its what im after but i was wondering how did they do the “X” box as i couldn’t figure it out thank you!

Hi ,

Is you camera a separate BP?

If not, you will need to use the Camera Manager, I have not played a lot with it, but you should be able to set relative rotation with it.

Someone will prove me wrong though.


It woul be much simpler if you put everythin following the move right axis event node.

I am using a standard topdown template just to learn so i believe the camera is not separate.

Thanks for help still looking for more infomation and your “X” isn’t what i meant i was meaning the actual “X” box above in my posted image as its a float but i couldn’t find it. But thank you for replying to my post :slight_smile:

I still need help on this can someone else help please.

Oh okay thanks :slight_smile:

Hi ,

The X was just a random key input. Did not even think of when I did it.

Let me have a play and see what comes up.

This works for me