Bug with friction when using materials

Here is a video where I recreate the bug: - YouTube

My character model is a sphere, and I’m attempting to give it 0 friction, so I can slide on the ground.

If I set a physical material as having 0 friction and also set it on my character, so there shouldn’t be any friction, it still sometimes applies it.

As you can see, I am able to glide around for a moment, but then the friction kicks in and I start to roll.

This is where you set up friction and damping, they could be overriding yours. (Blueprint based off of pawn).

Those are for walking movement, right? My player is a SphereComponent, and I don’t have CharacterMovement there.

I’m running into the exact same problem using a pawn.h derived ‘character’. I have yet to find a way to disable friction on the capsule.