How can I switch between day and night scenes in the same space?

Hey there!

I would like to have a day and night setup that I can switch between with a controller button, can someone please give me an example or detail a bit on this for me?

Also If I dial a light down, how can I dial the global light in a room with that? I want an entire room to get darker as I dial a light down, but the light itself dials without a wider spread of light in the room.

Any help would be great!


Hi Cam,

I’ve answered a question similar to this before and even made a simple project that should help.

Essentially what I did was create three levels.

  1. Persistent Level: Nothing in this level at all
  2. Sub-Level 1: Had my scene setup for with a directional light for day
  3. Sub-Level 2: Had my scene setup for with a directional light for night

I would uses the levels tab and hide the day or night level depending on which I’m building for at the current moment. Once I built these independently by using the hide functionality I was able to switch between these for my day and night static light builds.

You can download the project here:

Also If I dial a light down, how can I
dial the global light in a room with
that? I want an entire room to get
darker as I dial a light down, but the
light itself dials without a wider
spread of light in the room.

This part either sounds like you want to use dynamic lighting so you can adjust the lights to be dimmer over time, or that you essentially want less bounce (GI) lighting with your static lighting. If you want less bounce lighting you can adjust this in the World Settings > Lightmass tab > Lightmass Settings > Num Indirect Lighting Bounces > default is 3, but you could try 0 or 1 and see if this fits your need.

I hope this helps.
