Move Camera With AWSD and rotate,Move Camera with AWSD and rotate


I need to move a camera with AWSD and rotate with the mouse. I create a Pawn Blueprint and I put and scene and a camera. To move the camera I use the first image and to rotate I use the second.

The problem is that when I rotate the camera, if I use W, the character dont move in the direction of the camera, it move in the direction of the scene. The other problem is that when I move in diagonal, it moves all the world and I can turn 180 the camera and the floor is above.

Anyone knows how can I do correctly the camera? I reed about the spring arm, but I dont know how to use it and if I need to use it.

To move your camera, I think your best bet is to use the function Movement input instead of setting relative locations.

How about this, create a CharacterBP without putting any skeletal mesh and just camera and a springarm?

Pawn are not like characters. You will need to rotate the Camera’s controller in order to achieve that, and use that controller forward axis. To move a pawn, you should use the DefaultPawn - inherit a new class form it. It comes with Basic Input and movement, yet you can define your own.

I use a Character and copy the example of First Person, but when I try to look up, it doesnt work. All works well except this.

OKey, I achieve it. I need to put Pawn Actor in Defaults. Thanks!