Shift hue to specific value in material editor?

I’m trying to make a generic “metal” material for various physical states (brushed, burnished, polished, etc) that will work with just about any rgb value for a base color.

The issue I’ve run into is that there doesn’t seem to be a way to shift the hue of a texture to a specific value - so I end up with a burnished copper that looks like:

when modifying the starter content material for burnished steel to accept a parameter for the base color macro.

I know the starter content comes with a copper teture which would yield:

but ideally I’d like this to be able to function on a wide range of the RGB spectrum in order to achieve different looks for different alloys.

Is there a way to shift a texture’s average HSL to match that of an input color within the material editor?

Incase anyone finds this looking to do the same thing, I was able to solve this by baking an image of the texture I wanted to use (the T_Metal_Aluminum_D texture from the starter content) such that it was colorized with a hue of 0, a saturation of .5 and a lightness of .5 then used the following in my material to adjust the texture to match a given HSL value (only works if the existing H/S/L is 0/0.5/0.5).

Note to epic: it would be great if we could get H/S/L pins broken out of colors and maybe a generic HSL modifier that simplifies this process.