The engine crashes when opening a project

I downloaded and installed the EU4 software distributed through the site, the engine opened up the bridge where I create a new project, however when the project starts to open the program breaks, then updated the video driver and now soon to run the engine ja error occurs, does anyone know what can be? grateful.

Hi ,

Can you please send us your DxDiag and the crash callstack? Also, please post the editor log from one of these two locations, should be called UE4.log

C:\ProgramData\Epic\Engine\Saved\Logs C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine\4.0\Saved\Logs

Any additional details may help us with investigating the issue.


Error with old driver video intel hd grafics

Error with latest video driver intel hd grafics

someone please.

I tried the following post but the error still occurs password from the command line:

“C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEngineLauncher.exe” “-CPLabel = QFE”

sorry just installed service pack 1 and updated the EU4 but still generates error opening the editor, help me

Did the fixes put out in the 4.0.2 release help with this issue? Please let us know if it did not and we will be happy to further assist.


Hello guys I installed service pack 1 windows and updated the EU4 to version 4.2, but the editor will not open below logs help me

ooop help!

Hello ,

Please run Dxdiag on your computer, then save as DxDiag.txt, and upload it here as an attachment (you may need to place it inside a Zip file). This may help us to troubleshoot the issue.


link text
Hello grateful for the assistance I long for answers.

hi feedback ^ link text^

Hey ,

According to your DXDiag, you have a Dell Inspiron N5110 – is that correct?

If that is the correct model, the specs say you have an integrated graphics card and a NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M card. The editor should be used with the NVIDIA card, but if it isn’t, you could be hitting a crash that other users were hitting related to the integrated graphics. Check out the following thread on how to configure your NVIDIA card to be the card used when launching UE4:

fact that the model of my laptop is Dell Inspiron N5110, but in this case the video card it is intel and not nvidia video driver, the driver install is that this xxx driver. when i tried install nvidia says that there is not such hardware, so hopefully still a reply para este bug.

I haven’t Nvidia

Hello ,

Apologies for the delayed response. We believe this crash is due to a known issue the Engine has with the HD 3000 graphics card. We are looking into a solution, but we do not have a workaround available at this time.

Please be aware that even if we can fix the issue, much of your hardware is still below our recommend system settings, and we cannot guarantee the greatest experience.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

I am aware of the limitations and hopefully a solution on the HD 3000 driver, grateful for the assistance.