Mesh with translucent material has DOF problems

I created a little physics animation. A cube falls on a diamond and breaks into many parts. A glass material is attached to both objects. I use DOF in my scene. But there is a huge problem with depth of field. (You can see it on the attached screenshot). I checked everything in my scene. There are no problems with Postprocess Volumes or something else. This problem occurs only when I attach a translucent material to the cube. I can send you the project file if you want to verify it.

Best regards, Andreas

Hi Andreas,

What settings are you using for your DOF in your Post Process Volume?

Thank you!


I’ve removed “Destructible” from the title as I can get somewhat of a result with this. I just want to use your settings before getting a ticket in since that gives better results.

Hi Tim,
Thank you for your answer. I have attached a screenshot of my settings. The project crashes also all the time. There seems to be something wrong.

Best regards, Andreas

I’ve submitted a ticket (UE-13670) for this to be reviewed by the development team.

Once an update to the ticket or a fix has been submitted I’ll post any relevant information here.

Thank you!


This isn’t a bug, but something that is very hard and expensive to solve.

It was suggested to do the following:

You can disable the option in the material for “Separate Translucency.” This will make the object blurry depending on the depth behind the material.

DOF in UE4 is a post process and is based on the pixel depth and translucency doesn’t have pixel depth.

There may be options in the future to make this better by outputting some Stipple Pattern / random occluding depth, but that is not an option at the moment.

There is something in UE4 that is kind of like that with DitherTemporalAA node though.

You can read a little about that in this power point in the DitherTemporalAA section. Meta Quest VR Headsets, Accessories & Equipment | Meta Quest

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Hi Tim,
thank you very much for this information.

Best regards, Andreas