Is it faster to have one blueprint variable?

Nope, just cleaner to have a variable.

Just remember, the variable will cast every it is needed. So should be no difference.

So i want to know is the blueprints going to be a little faster with one reference to a variable or more than one reference to the same variable.

Please note the code in the image was just to demonstrate the concept.

Also while were here is there any execution cycles cost for having reroute nodes?

Yeah looking at the built in blueprints such as foreach, they all only have one variable with wires to multiple other nodes and no reroute nodes (so they look messy) which leads me to believe that there are some performance hits for multiple instanced variable and reroute nodes.

I was considering spending some cleaning up some of premade blueprints/nodes on the git hub as a contribution therefore it would be good to know if the reroute node has any performance hit.