Change an image widget's brush at runtime

I’m making a card game like Hearthstone or Magic The Gathering. To create the cards in a match, I’d like to spawn an actor with a widget that represents the card face. The widget’s root is a Scale box with an image widget as its only child.

What code do I write to access the image widget?

I have my own custom widget class, but I have no idea how to access the children widgets inside a particular instance.

class SOULSTONE_API UMyUserWidget : public UUserWidget
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "My User Widget")
		FString MyNewWidgetName;

I had similar problems…
I can found a created UImage in my virtual void SynchronizeProperties() override; (for display changes in editor);

UImage* MyActionIcon = Cast<UImage>(WidgetTree->FindWidget(TEXT("MyActionIconNameInBP")));

But how to set ResourceObject in the brush correctly? need something like SetText() in UTextBlock… Or maybe any way to create and init UImage by UMySuperPuperUserWidget’s Constructor?