Skeletal Animation mesh disappears

Hi, I made a rigged character with a skeletal animaton in Blender 2.7.4, and when I import it into Unreal Engine 4, the mesh disappears when I try to play the animation, either as a preview in Persona or in-game.

I’m using Unreal version 4.7.5 from the Epic launcher, and importing the mesh as an FBX.

The animation seems to import, since it displays the proper length of the animation in Persona.

I have concluded that this is not an issue with Blender, since I am able to re-import the FBX file into blender and the animation works properly.

I had a similar problem. Make sure your animation is baked (Edit>Keys>Bake Simulation on all joints) and then delete all NURBS curves and IK handles before exporting as an fbx file.

EDIT: By mistake I gave you the solution for Maya, which is what I used. Still, I’m sure there is an alternative way to solve this using Blender.

Took me the whole morning but I solved this problem. It’s an issue with the FBX exporter in Blender. Essentially, when you export with scale 100 as you should it scales everything except for individual bones which retain a scale of 1.0.

Tried multiple solution but none worked. The only solution I found is to scale on import.
When importing an animation (I import them individually) inside UE4 down in the transform option set the scale to 100 and it should work fin.