How to provide DamageEvent to function?

Hi guys,

I wrote an ActorComponent in C++ which provides shared functionality for taking damage. I created a new actor in blueprint and added my “Combat Component” to it. Now I need to wire the actors TakeDamage function to my combat component’s TakeDamage function. It has a function with the same signature as the actors’ TakeDamage function:

float UCombatComponent::TakeDamage(float damage, FDamageEvent const& damageEvent, AController* eventInstigator, 	AActor* damageCauser)

When I try to call this via Blueprint, I don’t know how to provide the FDamageEvent variable. It seems like this struct is not available through Blueprint?

What is the right way to incorporate my TakeDamage function to be called every time the actor’s TakeDamage function is called?

No one any idea? Even the answer “It’s not possible” would be useful :smiley:

Still can’t figure it out and I don’t find anything about it in the documentation or elsewhere.

FDamageEvent is not blueprint type. See ApplyDamage. Also it is possible to override TakeDamage of the character (C++)

So you can only override TakeDamage in C++? Too bad, but thanks for the confirmation.