Events from a matinee event track in Blueprint?

Hi guys!
I have a very simple question that I can’t seem to find an appropiate answer for in the official documentation

I have a simple blueprint class that performs a few functions on a given event. I’d like that to be an event that is keyed in a matinee event track.

How would I access this? I currently have a reference to the matinee data in question inside my blueprint, but I don’t see any parameters/functions/variables exposed for accesing my event

Is this possible?

Thank you !


Have you taken a look on the Wiki here: Modifying Blueprint Properties with Matinee

There is a section for Triggering Events Over Time which sounds like what you are after.

You can also take a look at the Content Examples inside the Matinee Level, section 3.2 illustrates how to trigger these events (calls text to be displayed in the Level Blueprint - which you could substitute with calling your Blueprint instead).

Hopefully this points you in the right direction!


Thank you Wes!
I must have jus tmissed this piece of documentation, I ended up finding exactly this, funny how that works but now its all good! Thanks!

Hi, I’m having an issue with getting the event exec pins from more than one Matinee to properly show up in the Blueprint.
If I add/delete more keys on an event track associated with the first Matinee that I created, those changes show up fine in my level blueprint. However, if I create a second Matinee and add an event track to it, I only get a single pin reading “Finished.” What’s going on here?

Same. I only end up with a ‘Finished’ out pin.

On the page shared it says this at the very bottom.

“If you add an event to the Matinee Event Track after adding the MatineeController node in the Level Blueprint, you can update the node’s list of events by right-clicking it and then clicking Refresh Node.”

So just right click the matinee node and refresh it.