Shooter Game: Mutate Initial Health Between Spawns


My team and I are having trouble modding the Shooter Game sample. We are trying to mutate the player’s health between spawns, but the values we set in blueprint are getting ignored. Or the wrong values are being set (perhaps they are being overwritten elsewhere). We have tried multiple permutations with no avail.

Can anyone offer insight on this issue? First and foremost by using Blueprints, but also the alternative in C++. I’ve tried looking for the variable that holds initial health but cannot find it.

You set the Health variable. Unsure how you are unable to find it or have I got you wrong?


Where is the health variable? And how do we set it / find it in blueprints?

A health variable could be a INT or Float.

So when you apply damage, you remove X from that value. When X = 0 - player dies, you then set up death animation or sequence

My DUH. Shooter game is one shot kill. Missed that bit out.

So you want the player to take multiple hits?

You need then to start to play with damage and health Variables.

That functionality already exists in the shooter game.

I need to know WHERE the health variable is within that game, for the player, and HOW to tweak it for the next spawn.

The shooter game we are using is NOT one shot kill. It is the demo provided by Epic for free within the marketplace.

Had a quick look and found this