Editor Plugin: Get active item in content browser

In my plugin, I need to find what asset is highlighted/selected in the content browser when the use presses my plugin’s button. I found this function:


but this returns a list of classes instead of objects/files.

How do I get the asset file that is currently selected?

I have the same issue. Does anyone find a solution for something similar?

It’s strange because the documentation for UEditorEngine::GetContentBrowserSelections shows the input parameter as being FAssetData not TArray

[link text][1]
[1]: UEditorEngine::GetContentBrowserSelections | Unreal Engine Documentation

The code however does indeed use TArray so you will only get classes back.

I wrote a quick method that gets the selected info but you will have to change these source code files:

/** Function to return list of assets currently selected in content browser (loaded/not loaded) */
	void GetContentBrowserSelectedItems(TArray<FAssetData>& Selection) const;


void UEditorEngine::GetContentBrowserSelectedItems(TArray<FAssetData>& Selection) const
	FContentBrowserModule& ContentBrowserModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FContentBrowserModule>("ContentBrowser");
	TArray<FAssetData> SelectedAssets;

	Selection = SelectedAssets;

There might be a better way but in the meantime I hope that helps!
