Material Functions and Clear Coat Not Working


I created a material using the Clear Coat shading model. Once finished I moved on to create a Material Function to use with layers. I copied everything from the original material and connected it. Everything seems to work but the Clear Coat, no matter what values I used. I know there is no way to turn on the shading model in a Material Function, but since the connections for Clear Coat are in the MakeMaterialAttributes node I figured it would work.

I tried connecting the MakeMaterialAttributes to a BreakMaterialAttributes and connecting that to the Output result since that helped me once with a masked material.

I had the same problem with a material that had Opacity and Refraction changes.

What am I doing wrong here? Is there anyway to get it to work? If not, why is the option there?

Normal Material with Clear Coat Shading model turned on

Material Function

I’ve tried this in both 4.6.1 and 4.7.5

Hi kevino025 -

Thank you for your report. While the Material Function Viewport does not accurately show the Material Attributes they are getting passed correctly and should function as they did before in the Material when you use the Material Function in another Material. I have reported the Preview Viewport differences as UE-13881.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum