GeneratedScriptLibraries.inl not found


I am trying to compile a program. The Editor compiles fine. BlankProgram compiles fine. I copied BlankProgram to MyProgram and that works fine. Adding modules as needed, UBT eventually tries to build ScriptPlugin.cpp which includes GeneratedScriptLibraries.inl and the file is not found. The file does exist but in the intermediate folder. Adding the intermediate folder as an include path to my program does not help because the error happens when building the ScriptPlugin module. Is there something special I need to have in my target or build file to have ScriptPlugin work?




I found this while looking into the UnrealHeaderTool.log. It seems there is a mixup between Win32 and Win64 folders.
I am using Development_Program and x64 for the build but the GeneratedIncludeDirectory seems wrong to me. How do I tell UHT to use Win64 folder?



[2015.04.16-00.55.37:205][  0]LogCompile: UHT Command Line: ..\Binaries\Win64\UnrealHeaderTool.exe MyProject D:\unreal\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win32\MyProject\Debug\UnrealHeaderTool.manifest "-LogCmds=loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error"
    [2015.04.16-00.55.37:251][  0]LogCompile:   ScriptPlugin
    [2015.04.16-00.55.37:251][  0]LogCompile:   .BaseDirectory=D:/unreal/Engine/Plugins/ScriptPlugin/Source/ScriptPlugin/
    [2015.04.16-00.55.37:251][  0]LogCompile:   .IncludeBase=D:/unreal/Engine/Plugins/ScriptPlugin/Source/ScriptPlugin/
    [2015.04.16-00.55.37:251][  0]LogCompile:   .GeneratedIncludeDirectory=D:/unreal/Engine/Intermediate/Build/Win32/MyProject/Inc/ScriptPlugin/
    [2015.04.16-00.55.37:251][  0]LogCompile:   .SaveExportedHeaders=True
    [2015.04.16-00.55.37:251][  0]LogCompile:   .GeneratedCPPFilenameBase=D:/unreal/Engine/Intermediate/Build/Win32/MyProject/Inc/ScriptPlugin/ScriptPlugin.generated
    [2015.04.16-00.55.37:251][  0]LogCompile:   .ModuleType=Runtime