X Vinterp Correction Only Updates When I Move On Y Axis?

Hello. My game is a vertical racer/scroller where the player only has control of the Y and Z direction. I was having issues where running into an object would bump the character into the ±X direction which I’ve temporarily solved by constraining X plane in Planar Movement.

The thing is…I kind of actually liked the random nature of being bumped in the X direction so I made a Vinterp script to grab the X position at start and then interpolate back to that origin after bumped. Here’s the really weird part: It works but it ONLY updates world position if I move my character in the Y direction.

So I’m flying upward with X = 0, character bumps rounded object and offset by -10 in X direction. If I do not move left or right (Y direction) it will remain at X = -10. If I move Y it will start to move towards the X = 0.

Here is the BP Pastebin for my Blueprint:

What would cause this?

Sidenote: I am a total Blueprint novice. If I did this in a very stupid way I’m up for suggestions!