bShowMouseCursor requires second click to work

In my UMG file when a button is clicked I call a function which sets the player controller cinematicmode to true and sets bShowMouseCursor to false . However nothing seems to change until I click again. On the second click the mouse disappears and I have rotational control of the spectator pawn. Why is this happening and how can I stop it?

Here’s the blueprint:

And here’s the PlayerReady function:

void ABBPlayerController::PlayerReady()
	ABBPlayerState* PS = Cast<ABBPlayerState>(PlayerState);

	bShowMouseCursor = false;
	SetCinematicMode(false, true, true);
	PS->PlayerReadyToPlay = true;

	PS->bIsSpectator = true;
	if (Role < ROLE_Authority)

Having the same issue.

Having the same issue too :frowning: