3D Widget ComboBox not Working

Currently I have a Widget with a ComboBox which works when added to Viewport. However when I use Blueprint with the Widget added as a 3D instance. The ComboBox does not drop down and the game lags for a few seconds. Since 3D Widgets are experimental I am assuming this feature has not been added yet. Can anyone verify this?

Hello Esler,

I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report (UE-13898 ) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your information and time.

Make it a great day

Any news on this problem. It’s been quite a while and I need this for my project.

I have provided a link to the public tracker. Feel free to use the link provided for future updates.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-13898)

Make it a great day


Currently in 4.20 and it still doesn’t seem to work. Any news ?



it seems to be working fine in the editor, but not on packaged games for 4.20

Maybe related to this one? Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-62154)
This is a really terrible issue, I hope it gets some priority.

I am having the same issue in 4.24, spent a few hours trying to get it to work. I will find a different way, even if this was very needed.

Same issue in 4.24.3 (Source). It seems the dropdown does spawn, but not in the right place. We noticed this in a larger, open level, that the dropdown was spawning up high in the air and to the left.

Additional Info:

  • This happens only in a 3d widget
  • This happens only if the widget that has the ComboBox is inside of another widget
  • This happens only if the master widget does not have a default anchor at the root (in our case, a ScaleBox)

If we use a default anchor for the root ScaleBox, the dropdown spawns correctly in packaged builds. We suspect this might be because the dropdown is spawned at runtime and it does not stay true to the modified anchor. Instead, it uses the default top-left anchor, which is why it appears to spawn high up in the air and to the left. Might be wrong on this, though.

We’re investigating…

I’m experiencing this issue on 4.25.3 and have seen numerous posts about this known bug. I have a 3D widget component added to a blueprint that displays a widget UI with a combo box.

If the widget is set to screen the combo box on click shows the list strings options and works as expected.
If I set the widget to world, the combo box still displays but nothing drops down on click.

fyi this is happening previewing in the editor