Standalone game is different from preview. Bp's are missing

Hello everyone,

I would like to report something really weird.

My game is a paper2d project with a map( persistent level) that has all my other levels(maps) as streaming levels. Whenever i play my game as a standalone window everything is in place. All my actors my tiles ,everything. Now if i press play as standalone game a few of my actor BP’s are missing(!!) . How is this even possible?

I have tried to delete the missing bp’s ,save and the re import them in both the standalone level and in the persistent level .Nothing. They appear in all preview modes except the standalone game.

Any ideas? Thank you.

Hi ,

Does this occur in a blank project with no additional content? What version of the editor are you currently using? Additionally, are both your world settings and your project settings set up to your gamemode? What specific actors are missing?

I just figured this out! It appears that any BP that contains a physical constrain does not exist during a “standalone game” play session.

Hi ,

I was able to reproduce this on my end with any blueprint that has Simulate Physics active. I have entered a bug report, UE-13917 to be assessed by the development staff.

I would like to inform you in case it matters that i have many bp’s with simulate physics ON in my game and they work just fine.The only ones that do not appear in my project are the ones that have inside them a constraint. Having said that, this is a very serious and game breaking bug that needs immediate attention . Can you please tell me if this is going to be fixed anytime soon?

Unfortunately I do not have a timetable on when it will be fixed as it just went in and is under assessment.

Hi all,

FYI I just submitted CL 2534072 to fix these issues. This fix should be included in the upcoming 4.8 release.

Thanks for the report!

  • Jeff