Can't import FBX rig into UE4. Multiple roots found. Maya

I’m having trouble importing my rigged character into UE4. I’ve looked at tutorials showing how to import them but I always get the same errors:

Multiple roots are found in the bone hierarchy. We only support single root bone.
Multiple roots found.
Import failed.

I’ve tried selecting everything and CTRL+G to group everything but it still doesn’t work, I’m guessing its a little more complicated than that. I Don’t have much knowledge of animation and rigging (my animator sent me the file to import into ue4) so I can provide the Maya file if requested.


You can not export to FBX character with custom rig. FBX support only HIK. But UE4 not support any rig.

In this lesson, talk about preparing a character for transfer to UE


I have followed the tutorial but I am still getting the Multiple roots found error. I’m trying to import the mesh and the skeleton into ue4 as a skeletal mesh.

After baking animation to skeleton, you need delete rig. Delete all constraints, all curves and all group nodes. Delete all name space in all names. Your scene, before export, must look like this:

It is probably a MUCH simpler thing. Look for more than one bone that has the same name. Look for more than one ‘skinned’ object, that uses a different (copied in place) bones