Shipping Error LNK1179 with 4.7.5

Hi there. I’m having trouble shipping my game and it seems to be a problem with version 4.7.5. Whenever I try to make a shipping build it gives me this error:

UE4Game-Redist-AppFramework-Win32-Shipping.lib(Module.AppFramework.cpp.obj) : fatal error LNK1179: invalid or corrupt file: duplicate COMDAT ’ '

Note how there is nothing between the quotes.

Things I tried (4.7.5 Engine):

  1. Search and replace any function that could cause the error (duplicate function name).
  2. Ship an older version of the game (from 2 weeks ago, that was shipping correctly; didn’t work).
  3. Created an empty project and pasted my code. Didn’t work.
  4. Create a new project, with the c++ fps template and tried to ship with no modifications. Still getting the same error.

While writting this I created a project on version 4.5 and shipped just fine.

Maybe I’m missing something or doing something wrong (2 weeks ago it was working perfectly).

It was a problem with my version of the Engine, I made a files verification and it got fixed.