Creating spline points on construction script are not accessible via event graph

When I generate a spline in the construction script, the spline is reset to default spline settings after the construction script finishes. So on the Even Graph (or even the viewport) the spline values don’t change.

Creation of Spline (I crammed it all together to fit in a screenshot)

The thing is, the spline is being created correctly… After I create the spline points, I am attaching a Static mesh to show the path.

The white line is the spline after construction, however during construction, the splines shape represents the blue lines via Add Spline to Mesh, and Attach To using Location and Tangent.

So to recap, the issue is whatever spline I generate via the construction script with X num of points always gets reset to 2 (or 3 if closed loop) in the viewport, or on the eventgraph. Using the Spline GetNumPoints blueprint to find the values.

What I am doing with the spline is setting an objects location passed upon the distance of that spline path.

My Band-Aid fix is to regenerate the spline path on even begin play, but I think that’s kind of silly if I can just do it on construction.

Hi FanaticNinja,

Thank you for the report. I was able to reproduce the issue and have created JIRA UE-14148 in our tracking software. Our developers will be investigating further and we will post back here with updates as we have them.



Hi Fanatic Ninja,

Just leaving a comment to say that I’ve just had the exact same problem you’re having. The version we’re using is 4.5.1. Hope this will get resolved soon.


Hi TJ Ballard. We are having the same problem on 4.10.2. We can’t create a spline point on the construction script. This is blocking most of our jobs.

Hi SalihBalkan,

This JIRA is still active in our system. I will add to it that it is still still happening in 4.10.2.

Thank you,


I think it’s still happening in 4.23. I believe it has to do with the fact that all but the last of our spline points are manually placed and the final spline is supposed to be generated automatically within the construction script. It doesn’t seem like this would be too difficult to allow within the engine.