Why does Build Geometry change my collision?

I’m having a little bit of a problem with collisions of my meshes. meshes already contain low-poly collision meshes, and as long as I don’t press “build geometry”, they work fine. When I do though, a new collision-mesh gets created. Needles to say I want to use my handmade ones, since they 1) Are much tighter to object and 2) much more low poly.

I’m pretty sure, that there is a way to turn this off, but I can’t find it, and it drives me crazy D:

Btw. what does “build geometry”-button even do exactly?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

bump for interest, I have same problem only I disable collision in my level blueprint after an event, which works fine untill I build geometry / reset map and my collision mesh is (apparently) replaced with a new one.

Hey HammelGammel -

Can you post a screenshot of your Collision turned on from Static Mesh editor?

This will get us started on tracking your problem down.

-Eric Ketchum

Ok so I checked how collision meshes looked after I built map, and they don’t look different. But before I built geometry I was a able to disable collision in my BP after a delay, and after I built geometry collision mesh seemed bigger, as I was barely able to approach mesh.

So there is definitely something happening when I build geometry…

Hey Thunderstorm,

I’m not sure I understand. You have a Blueprint that disables its collision on its own component after a delay, correct? But when you build geometry, BP no longer functions? or starting collision looks bigger before you even Play in Editor?

Could you walk me step-by-step through issue you’re seeing?

Would you mind posting some before and after screenshots for us? You can see collision if you go to Show drop-down in Viewport and enable Collision checkbox. Thanks!

I’m not sure if blueprint stops working or not, all I know is that when I don’t build geometry BP and collision works perfectly, and after I’ve buildt geometry collision is changed (or mabye tracing settings (my game is a top down fighter with an isometric view)) and I’m not able to walk through object or even approach it propely (so that I stand very close to mesh and tracing does not apply for object)

screenshot I’ve attached to this post decpicts boulders that have collision mesh that I want to (and can) disable ( boulder in background is a destructible mesh that is destroyed at same time that collision is disabled (and I’m able to walk between two clusters of rocks), originally it’s supposed to be positioned between other rocks)…


Okay, just making sure I understand correctly:

You have a path for pawns to walk through. You have some rocks on either side of path with a space between, and a large boulder that sits between them. boulder, a destructible mesh, starts between smaller rocks. When it is destroyed, you want to be able to walk between smaller rocks.

Does that sound right?

Now, your setup: It looks like you have smaller rocks all as one mesh, with collision that stretches across gap between them. Is that correct? And when you destroy boulder, you disable that collision? Do you have Simulate Physics enabled on boulder? Is that green box your trigger volume for event?

And for issue you’re experiencing: Normally when you hit Play, this works as intended. When you build geometry, do things change immediately in Editor, or do you need to hit Play to see difference?

I suspect problem involves overlapping collision, but until I can properly replicate your setup I can’t be sure. If you wouldn’t mind attaching your .uassets for both smaller rocks and destructible, I might have a better chance of seeing where problem is. Thanks!

Is there any way I can not include that mesh in geometry build? Because it seems to work perfectly when I don’t build geometry…

Unfortunately, there is no way to exclude Actors from geometry build. It wouldn’t solve your problem anyway, since building everything is part of packaging process, which you would presumably like to do at some point.

Was my attempt at understanding what you’re after inaccurate? I really would like to reproduce issue on our end so I can see where trouble is, but I will need clearer reproduction steps. If you are able to narrow down issue in a new project with new assets, or if you would like me to take a look at it using your .uasset files, please let me know.

What I’m gonna try out pretty soon is to build navmesh without any collision on my scene objects and disable building it ever again. Do you think that would work?

It might. But again, without really knowing what you’re trying to achieve and being unable to reproduce problem you’re experiencing, I can’t be sure.

I solved my problem by disabling collision by default, and rather activating it in level blueprint, this way when player targets an area past collision mesh character tries to walk straight through it (because nav mesh covers ground underneath it) but he is stopped because collision is activated.