Server event Compilation warning

hi everyone,

I get this warning :

D:\Project\spaceShip\Source\spaceShip\Classes\SS_BasePawn.h(14)( : warning C4996: Function SS_BasePawn::ServerBump needs native implementation by virtual void ServerBump_Implementation(FVector BumpCenter, float BumpPower, float BumpRadius, APawn* BumpInstigator) due to its properties. Currently ServerBump_Implementation declaration is autogenerated by UHT. Since next release you'll have to provide declaration on your own. Please update your code before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.

But I have try every thing that I can without solving it

this is my code :


	UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation, Category = "DmgSystem")
	void ServerBump(FVector BumpCenter, float BumpPower, float BumpRadius, APawn *BumpInstigator);


void ASS_BasePawn::ServerBump_Implementation(FVector BumpCenter, float BumpPower, float BumpRadius, APawn *BumpInstigator) {
	TArray<AActor*> SS_BasePawnArray;
	UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(this->GetWorld(), ASS_BasePawn::StaticClass(), SS_BasePawnArray);
	for (int i = 0; i < SS_BasePawnArray.Num(); i++) {
		if (Cast<ASS_BasePawn>(SS_BasePawnArray[i]) != BumpInstigator)
			Cast<ASS_BasePawn>(SS_BasePawnArray[i])->GetBumped(BumpCenter, BumpPower, BumpRadius);

bool ASS_BasePawn::ServerBump_Validate(FVector BumpCenter, float BumpPower, float BumpRadius, APawn *BumpInstigator) {
	return true;