When packaging my game it saves as an application instead of an .exe, why?

Hey guys

Trying to package my game up to finalize my honors year submission. The only issue is when I try to package it it automatically creates an application as opposed to an executable, which I need for my submission. Any idea why?

It’s being packaged for windows 32-bit, settings are changed to shipping (as I’ve heard that might hindrance it) and the game has two separate levels, with win/lose functionality. It was created using unreal 4.5.1.

Honestly a bit of a noob (as you can probably tell by my wording haha) but any help would be greatly appreciated!


bump. Pls help ;(

When you say application, what exactly are you referring to? The terms are, in most cases, interchangeable.

UE4 will never output just an executable (as in a single .exe file), as it needs to include engine binaries, content and config files. What you should get is a folder with an executable + a bunch of subfolders, all of which must be included.