Parsing .ue4stats

I’m looking to log some performance stats and compare them over multiple stat captures across different builds of my game, and was wondering if there’s somewhere that I can start with documentation on the file format?


How did you solve this? Did you find any documentation? from looking at this: You can convert UE4stats files to CSV.

Formatting is as such:UnrealFrontend.exe -RUN=CONVERT -INFILE=D:\UnrealStats\statsfile.ue4stats -OUTFILE=D:\UnrealStats\statsfile.csv

You can also do

// Stat list can contains only stat's FName.
FString StatListString;
FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("-STATLIST="), StatListString);

to specify the stats you get back

That said if CSV doesn’t work for you just grab the code about parsing it and split it to another format.