Calling an Action Interface on server.

I am currently trying to create a small shooter game, I want several weapons and rather than “cast” to them all I would prefer to use Interface Blueprints, but seemingly when ever I used a “run on server” node then a called action interface node, the interface node does not get called at all.

I’ve seen alot of people with this same question, how do you replicate interface functions?

I have 2 blueprints (PlayerCharacter BP + Weapon BP).
Both have implemented interfaces

On pickup of the weapon, which is currently done via a cast, would prefer to use an interface function for this though, the weaponbp casts to the player, sets it’s equipped struct member “Weapon” (struct holding all currently equipped items) to a “reference self” node.

Then on RMB Press a branch node is called questioning the validity of the weapon member in the equipped struct and then firing the Interface function using the equipped struct to reference to the weapon, finally a trace gets a location and an emitter is spawned at the location.

I can get this to work client side but not server side, no matter which way I approach it, this doesn’t seem possible, so the big question is;

Is it possible and if so, how?

Thanks, -TheMunky.

Sigh, still nothing? I’m starting to think it’s not possible, if that’s the case it means i’m going to have to use casting right?
I don’t really want to do that because I get entangled in a list of value=null errors and it gets real messy, how can I do this?