Change Material Instance Params In Runtime.


I must have missed something, but I can’t seem to find a way to change a material instance in runtime.
In UDK I was just creating a matinee and connect trigger event and adjust the material. But here I can’t seem to be able to do that.
Any way to put me in correct direction for that?
I already converted material into Dynamic Instance, but I can’t seem to apply to the player.



I think this tutorial about dynamic material will solve your problem Intro to Materials: Dynamic Material Instances cont. | 10 | v4.0 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube

-you have to make it dynamic and save it in a variable as follows : Dynamic with blueprints

-know the params names and change their value using “Set Vector Parameter Value” function as follows :
Change material params


thanks for reply.
I will check the video.
I found also this tutorial that helped :

thanks again! :smiley:

It seems this video apply for inside a same blueprint, I’m trying really to be able to talk from blueprint to blueprint. (Trigger to player material)
I found also this : that might be a solution.

Thanks again.

pretty nice :), glad u’ve found the solution