Get overlapping actors not returning anything?

Hello! So I’ve been trying to implement a collision system that will recognize when a character’s fist capsule is overlapping with another character’s body capsule. Eventually I’d like to cause damage the the second character and play a short animation to accompany it, but at the moment I’m just trying to figure out why Get Overlapping Actors isn’t returning any results.

Currently I’ve set the loop body to print a string to confirm that my character has hit another character, but nothing seems to be happening. I’ve tried various set-ups, such as having whole thing connected directly to my input, and haven’t had any luck. I’ve also read all the resources I can find on creating a melee system and none of the advice there has been able to fix my problem. I do have both the fist capsule and the body capsule collision overlap events set to on. The game I’m working on is a local multiplayer brawler, so both capsules are attached to the same type of pawn, if that helps. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, as I’m sure I’m missing something minor here. Thanks in advance!

Hi Kasbane,

Make sure that the actors you are trying to overlap have Overlap Events enabled. I just tried a very similar setup to yours and it is working in 4.7.6.

Let me know if that helps.



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Thanks TJ,

I have checked again and Overlap Events are still enabled on both of the relevant capsules. The images below show the settings.

I also updated to 4.7.6 as soon as I saw it was out but nothing has changed.

You have to set collision preset for both of your object. And be sur they overlaps with eachother.

See: Collision | Unreal Engine Documentation

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Wow, can’t believe I missed that. Thanks 42EspoiR! For anyone who made the same mistake as I did, all you have to do is adjust the Object Responses under Collision Responses by setting Collision Presets to Custom and checking the overlap box for the relevant object. In my case I just had to make sure the box for Pawn was checked.

Try changing the collision on the Punch Collision to ‘OverlapAllDynamic’.