How to create a string comparison with FString for conditional breakpoints in VS2013?

I’m trying to create a conditional breakpoint inside a function that has an FString as an argument.
I want to break when that FString is a string but can’t seem to find a proper way to compare because it cannot be compared with hardcoded strings, and the conditional breakpoint window is not a robust playing field for creating it.

anyone has tips?


Please note, that in this situation you can use the check(expr) macro. For comparison of FStrings, you can use Equals() and Contains() functions. For example, in the following method TestValue parameter is checked and in case it doesn’t contain “test” word, breakpoint is triggered:

void AMyCharacter::TestString(const FString& testValue) {

If you like to learn more about FString class, please go here:

Also, if you like to learn more about String handling in Unreal Engine 4 , please go here:

Hope this helped! Have a great day!

Great! thanks

The actual correct answer can be found on this duplicate Q&A: