[4.7.6] Static light cross through walls

If make a basic map with a ground of BSP then a house in center like a box with walls of 40cm or 20cm and place a red light in the center of the house.
Then if place something dynamic or your player near the wall give the color red

Light setup: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28070491/UE/Forums/Lightproblem.png

*With lightmass importance volume give small detail of color but give, and without give full light color throw the wall.

Hi Hevedy,

Can you post a pic of your scene where the issue is occurring?

Can you also tell me what mobility your light is set to? It’s not able to be seen in your image posted above.

thank you!


Is all static.
This happen me to the external models using plane + mask and sometimes with normal models and is random, if you use F11 will be more options of find this problem.

Screenshot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28070491/UE/Forums/Lightproblems.png

Sometimes give flash of light look the cylinder at 2-3m in the light radius ( the cylinder, player, are dynamic)

Plus if play 2 players in same process in the multiplayer of the editor give problems of lights/shadow when are object can move in different way for each player.

I’ve moved this to the Rendering section on AnswerHub. This isn’t a bug.

If you’re using any static meshes they will light properly with a static light. However, this will not always be accurate for Movable meshes. This depends on the Volume Lighting Samples spacing to get the most accurate results.

Here are a couple of test examples.

Furthest mesh is a static mesh.
Closest is a Movable Mesh.

Light settings: used ones in your image

Volume Lighting Samples: 1.0 (Default Value)

Build Light Quality: Production

Volume Lighting Sample: 0.5

Build Light Quality: Production


About the light settings, the Light Quality is in the Build button but where is that of Volume Lighting Samples: 1.0 (Default Value) ?

Well i find that is in the world settings.
I need to set to 0.25 to good result.
Thanks you for the help!

Oops! I thought I had put the location of it in my post. :confused:

Glad that’s working for you now. :slight_smile: