HUD font color influenced by post processing?


so I tried to draw a simple “use object” text on the screen. I used the HUD as described in the FPS tutorial on the wiki - so I set the HUD in my gamemode cpp file.

// set hud
HUDClass = AFPSHUD::StaticClass();

and that’s it. I then draw the text in the HUD’s drawHUD() function.

Canvas->DrawText(font, TEXT("Press [e] to use"), centerX, centerY+.5f*centerY);

The text should be white but it isn’t. I noticed, that it changes with postprocessing effects (as you can see in the screenshot):

Any way to disable this “feature”?

Thanks for helping!

You’ve probably sorted this out by now but for anyone else wondering…

Don’t think the HUD is affected by post processing, that screenshot’s just a bit of a trick of the eye. The color thing is most likely because the color needs to be set on the Canvas before making the draw call, e.g.:

Canvas->DrawText(aFont, TEXT("some text"), xPos, yPos);