[4.7.6] 'Enable HMD' doesn't work

Currently I am using console commands (hmd disable/enable + fullscreen) combined with manual delays to switch to/from VR mode.

There is a node ‘enable HMD’ available, but it hasn’t an input pin, so I can’t use it:

It’s currently surprisingly hard to reliable switch from/to VR mode with blueprint. My other problems are:

  • No events if headset is turned on and off (maybe not exposed by SDK)
  • No option to supress that UE4 uses the HMD automatically without the possiblity to apply special settings
  • No events if VR gets activated/deactivated automatically (for changing quality settings or showing a message to the user)
  • No quality settings specifically for VR possible in INI
  • Not possible to differentiate if an HMD is only available or if it’s really used by the game currently (having to deal with some race-conditions through manual delay-nodes because the HMD might not be initialized from UE4 yet)
  • As ‘fullscreen’ is a toggle command and there is no ‘isFullscreen’-node, it’s not possible to reliable switch from/to fullscreen again

Many thanks and please keep up the good support.

Hello ,

I was looking over your post and I thought that this would make a good feature request. I have written up a report ( UE-14241) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your information and time.

Make it a great day

Thank you Rudy.