[4.7.6] Material look to camera turn hidden too fast

I using the example from the docs / example material to look to the camera: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Resources/Showcases/Stylized/Materials/index.html

But using non masked material in a plane model and one sided.

Well if you create a 8x8 field in the map with planes with that texture all work fine but the models near the corner of the screen start to give flashes and after that turn hidden by the engine, but the user see how disappear in game.

Hi Hevedy -

Are you creating a field of grass based on the foliage material in the Stylized Example? If so are you using the Foliage tool how big and what scaling if any are you doing with your static mesh planes? Can you be more precise as what you mean by saying 8x8 field (8 cm x 8 cm [default unit in Engine] or 8 m x 8 m)? Also Screenshots or Video is always helpful at diagnosing a problem.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

8 x 8 meshes like this and here is the error:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28070491/UE/Forums/ExampleOfProblem.png look at the right the line is hidden, the meshes have in the center of the plane the center and the planes are about 1m x 1m ? no idea more or less

Hi Hevedy -

What you are experiencing is expected as the material is giving you the illusion of a moving mesh, but in actuality the mesh is still using the same bounds and position of its original placement. The only way to stop the flickering and disappearing you are seeing is to increase the Bounds Scale of the plane meshes themselves. In my test I had to increase the bounds scale to 25 to 50 before the disappearing stopped the flickering seemed to stop at around 2 to 5.

You can find the Bounds Scale in the Plane’s Details Panel under Rendering or run a search in the Details Panel for “Bounds Scale” Please note that changing this setting will also effect your lighting, so change with some caution.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hey thanks you for help me, well to know this, because before i don’t see that.
Thanks you! :slight_smile: