Pong : Parent Class for ball


I am finally making some progress. I want to make pong in UE4.
Now I am trying to make a blueprint for the ball. The ball should start in the middle of the field and after the game begins move to the left and is reflected by the playerpaddle.
What Parent Class should i use?

  • Actor
  • Pawn
  • Character
  • PlayerController
  • Game Mode

I think thats a Character right?

Thanks in advance

I thought about it and choose Actor, because Actor is an object that can beplaced or spawned in the world. Right now it works

I would definitely go with Actor.

An Actor is the base object for
Actors, or objects that are placed or
spawned into the world. A good short
description of Actor would be “a
collection of components that tick”.
In reality Actors can do many things;
check out Actor.h for all the included
variables and functions.

Taken from the Actor’s documentation page.

A pawn is more the physical representation of something that can be controlled, by the player or AI. (Through a Controller, PlayerController/AIController)

Definitely it’s the Actor,

Since you don’t want the ball to be possessed by any controller (AI/Player) You should go with Actor :slight_smile:

let me put all of this in an easy way:

-The Actor is the base and u can consider it as container that hold special types of Objects called Components.

-The Pawn is an Actor that is the representation of the character in the game world.

-The controller (AI/Plyaer) is the Pawn brain that controls it.

-The Character is a special type of Pawn that have a built-in player controller

-The game mode defines the game rules and conditions