Reverse Camera/Controller Rotation?

Hello, I would like to make a character walk on the ceiling exactly as if he would be walking on the floor. I’ve managed to do this in a hackish way using the flying mode and by rotating the capsule, however the camera is still acting as if he was on the ground.

I’ve also tried rotating the player controller (since the camera boom is taking the rotation from there) but to no avail, it just ends up in strange angles .
I’ve attached pictures of how the camera looks like, and how I would like it to be positioned.

Any ideas how to get around doing this? (A simple way to recreate what I’m doing is to set the movement mode to flying and setting the capsule and controller rotation to either 180 roll or 180 yaw and pitch.)

How do you stand on the celling?

I’ve abandoned the project long time ago but from what I recall:
1.Change movement mode to flying.
2.Rotate the capsule/character
3.Apply force or movement input upwards until it reaches the ceiling. (Or just teleport it to the ceiling.)

But as I said this is a wonky implementation. You probably want something closer to


Yeah, I saw that video and i wanted to do something similar.
Now im working on a ledge grab system,but i will return to the gravity project :slight_smile: