Screen Percentage (DK2 vs CV1)


Currently working on a VR game, performance are great on the DK2 but I’m trying to see how it would be on CV1. Game is currently pixel bound.

I’m trying to figure out a number I could use to simulate CV1 performance.

DK2 : 1920*1080 = 2073600 pixels

CV1 (no real number yet but speculations seems to say it’s looking better than DK2) : 2560*1440 = 3686400 pixels

140 SP on CV1 : 3686400 *1.4 = 5160960

So there’s 5160960 pixels on a 140SP CV1 screen vs 2073600 on a sp100 DK2

That means I should put my game at SP250 to simulate a game running at 140sp on the CV1 ?

Seems like it’s pretty high to me but the maths seems right too

Any help is appreciated


  • Marc

A few thoughts for you:

  1. Where did you get your 2560x1440 number for CV1? I don’t think there’s any confirmed info about CV1’s specs yet. I doubt even Oculus knows for sure what it will be.

  2. Pixel count won’t be the only difference in CV1 vs. DK2. Refresh rate may have a much bigger impact. DK2 runs at 75 FPS, but CV1 will almost definitely be either 90 FPS or 120 FPS. The Crescent Bay internal Oculus prototype is running at 90. So, whatever number of pixels you have, you’ll have to draw them 20%-60% faster, too. You might also start getting bound by your other threads, if they’re not already finishing in 8-11 ms.

  3. This is just an educated guess, but if the pixel resolution is higher on CV1, you may not need to supersample as much. Of course, if the extra pixels are to widen the FOV so your pixel density doesn’t change, you’ll need to supersample the same, but if the pixel density per degree of field of view is higher, I wouldn’t think you’d need to set the SP quite so high, so that may relax your numbers just a little bit.

IMO this sort of thing is nice to do as a curiosity, but I wouldn’t spend too much time on it. Too many unknowns in the spec, CV1 is too far out still. Just throwing this out there, but if you can get your experience to run well on the Gear, though, then you really know you’ll probably be in great shape for CV1, and you’ve expanded your market.