Animation specific sockets

So I’ve made a socket on my mesh. Whenever my character is idle, the socket requires an other transform than when running. I tried changing the transform/rotation of every animation in UE4 so the weapon is in the right place. However seeing that sockets are linked to meshes, this is impossible.

How would I do this? How does one change the socket’s transform when playing a different animation? I’m quite new to game development, so excuse me for my noobishness. :stuck_out_tongue:

If I’m understanding correctly, I think you could achieve this by adding the socket to a bone in your skeleton and animating the bone (instead of the socket). We often do this for weapons. We’ll have a bone that is the child of the hand called ‘Weapon_Right’ or something like that and attach the weapon socket to that bone. Then, we’ll animate that bone whenever the weapon should be anywhere other than in its default position.

If you can’t add bones to your existing skeleton for whatever reason, you can change the socket that your weapon is attached to via Blueprint. So, if you wanted the weapon on one socket while idling but to pop to another socket while running, you could do that.

More info here (Blueprint attachment at bottom of page):

Thanks, will try both the weapon bone and blueprint attachment. Much appreciated! :slight_smile: