Remove lighting. All materials

Is there a way to completely get rid of lighting? I want to be able to decide how everything looks with a shader, and not have to worry about how lighting will interact with my materials.

Ideally I would be able set a material a certain color, and it be that color no matter what. If bloom were still possible that’d be awesome.


You could go multiple ways with this.

One is to use all unlit materials and have them simply be emissive. You can approximate your own lighting using vector math and global parameters.

Another is to use lit materials but use a simple flat color skylight. You could also use a lower color/brightness to match the top color/brightness to create a completely unlit look. Optionally enable/disable things like ambient occlusion to control how flat the scene is.

You could also simply change post processing using blendables and sample the scenetexture without lighting and then manipulating it mostly via the post process material, but that approach would be my last choice personally. Others might prefer it.

Other post process effects should still work fine. With the last option you’d have the power to really mess with them. Blendables might work in addition to the other methods for certain effects.