Pathfind jumping

With the TopDown project as the starting point.

What would be the correct way to add the ability for the character to jump up onto one of the boxes?

Does the Navigation get extended?

Or, do you need to do a check first to see if the click was up on an elevation, and then use the path find to get to a tagged jump point, jump, then pathfind from the landed position to where was clicked.

Hi Michael,

NavMesh is well equipped to handle jumping up or off, all you need to do is to place a NavLinkProxy actor on the map and adjust navigation link’s ends. This will allow you to create additional connections that will connect previously unconnected areas of navmesh (and pathfinding will take advantage of it).

Pathfollowing, however, is not able to “jump up” yet, so if you want to have your pawns traverse terrain like that you’ll need to implement a temporary solution for the time being.

