How can I disable a Player Start?

Here’s a (IMO) dumb question, but I can’t seem to find an answer; Can I disable/enable a Player Start?


the point is: when playing a game you need a camera that gives you a picture. This Camera is attached to a Character in most cases, but you do not need a character. You can create your own Pawn and use it as DefaultPawn in the GameMode. The Pawn can be a character but it does’nt have to be. It can be just a USceneComponent with an attached camera.

Hope it is understandable :smiley:

Cheers :smiley:

You can not disable the playerstart points directly. But you can use tags or use the Player Start Tag property.

Then in your Game Mode blueprint you can do something like this:

I hope you get the idea.

With blueprints you don’t get too much access to these classes and i don’t understand why.
If you really want to create this you can use pure new actors. And setup the spawning system by yourself with blueprints. Since the APlayerStart class is just an actor too.

how to make player start tag node?

noob question here : how to make Player Start Tag node like yours?

I have taken the time to solve your problem.

What i have done, is:

  1. Made a Blank BP Project
  2. Created 3 PlayerStarts and named the PlayerStartTagInfo

  1. Created a GameMode and put this BP Code into:

!!! I forgot something in this picture: Put a exec wire from “Print String” to “Break” of the “ForEachLoop”. This is the better solution for performance :smiley:

  1. Do not forget to to choose your GameMode in Project Settings

  2. Build your own logic :smiley:



Pls tell me, if that solve your problem. There are more solutions. For example dynamic type of choosing player starts. It would be helpful to know what type of game you are creating.


How would this be implemented betweent different levels

Your images are broken.

This post is 3 years old. Don’t expect the images to work, nor the answer to be the most correct one.