How to set up Perforce for two people on different computers?

I’m trying to set up a P4V server so me and my friend can work on the same project. I’ve successfully gotten myself hooked up to my own server but my friend keeps getting errors every time he tries to connect. At first I thought it was because he lives in Nevada and I’m in Washington State, but now I’m not so sure.

I’ve spent the past few days looking at a whole bunch of Perforce tutorials and the more I read the more confused I get. Some of them talk about setting up P4PORTS and P4USERS and a bunch of weir console stuff, some are only for a group working on the same LAN, and others don’t seem to have anything to do with Perforce at all.

I know other people have asked a similar question on here, but out of the two answered questions I saw, one guy just decided to pay for a hosting service (we’re trying to avoid that) and the other guy was only getting the server set up for himself.

Perforce can be confused if you learn from the wrong sources.
It would be good if you could post the errors your friend is getting.

All you need is an IP and a Username to connect to the perforce. If you set up password then it is also needed.

  • P4Admin is the administration software for the perforce server.
  • P4V Is the visual client that you have to use.

Where is your friend failing? Connecting to the server, cloning the depot?

I had already downloaded the P4Admin program and had set up a server on my computer.

He’s trying to connect using the P4V client using [my ip]:1666 for the server, a username I defined for him as the username, and no workspace.

The error he’s getting is:

Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT.
TCP connect to [my ip]:1666 failed.
connect: [my ip]:1666 WSAETIMEDOUT

Ok, the problem is that no one can access the [my ip]:1666 address because its not public. You need to open the 1666 ports in your router, check your firewall settings. And make sure the server is listening on the 1666 port.