How to make a character invisible

What bluepritns should i use to make my character unvisble or can’t take damage , example : in The game mark the ninja or assassin creed china when they hide enimes can’t see them or in some game when the character have a shield
Thanks for any helpful comments

You should use the character blueprint of the character for it to make change the visibility, always remember tho not to make a big GOD class… But i think in this case that would be the best solution.

Of course you can make an extra blueprint for that if you like :slight_smile: just would have to cast to character then

Thanks but by " add " do you mean that i cna creat a new blueprint ? If so how ?
And i mean invisible or can’t take any damage in a short period of time

Well you can create a new blueprint by right klicking on the “File” field and add a blueprint there. Then You would have to cast it to the character class and add the invisible function or damaging function, as far as I know that is something that is in the character properties and can easily be changed…

it seems like you are quite new to the bluepritn concept. I would suggest you watching a few videos about blueprints before carrying on… as it is quite a complex process and not something that can easily be done.

If it’s just this small thing and you’re good with blueprints etc. I would offer to help via skype or anything if u want :slight_smile:

I am trying to do something similar to this, were you able to get something working? If so would you mind sharing any insight to get started.