How are custom maps supported?

I was wondering, what are the current possibilities with custom maps akin to Counter Strike & Unreal Tournament?
If i want to make a game which people can make custom maps for, there’s a few things I need:

  1. Map exporting tool. Does it exist in UE4?
  2. Downloading of maps and assets. when people join a multiplayer game with custom maps, it need to auto download of maps and assets
  3. Shared assets framework - So people won’t download assets again if their used in a map they already downloaded?
  4. Gameplay serialization. how is this handled? is it hardcoded in the map (say .umap) when exporting? do i need to write a gameplay serializer/deserializer?

I’ve found this thread on the UT forum:

But except saying “Sure it’s possible Since 1999 (c)” I can’t find anything on the topic.

Any help?

I would also like to find out more on this particular subject, if anyone has any info that would be great!


To answer your first question, if you to to the File->Export tools in the editor, you should be able to export the map that you are working on. Export All should be what you’re looking for.

For the others, as they are more specific to Unreal Tournament, I recommend creating a new thread on the UT forums, as this is where most of the UT support is handled.

If you have any other questions regarding this topic, feel free to let me know.

Have a great day