Unable to start program UE4.exe error

When I hit ctrl+F5 in MSVS 2013 I get the error

Unable to start program ‘G:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.7\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Unused\UE4.exe’. Which makes sense since that path doesn’t exist. But how do I correct MSVS to use the correct path? Also, what is the correct executable to use? Because there is no UE4.exe in my UE4 install directory. Is this supposed to be the UnrealEngineLauncher or EpicGamesLauncher?


I found out I had to delete the .suo file in my project directory.

If the file is hidden then use batch:
del /S /F /AH *.suo

I actually had a similar issue.

To fix the issue, you have to right click the game solution from your solution explorer and select the option “Set as StartUp Project” and that should highlight the game solution. Cntrl-F5 will then work.


Clever! Thank you! :slight_smile:

Thanks, that was easy :))

For me the solutions above didn’t help. In the “Set Startup Project” option I had to set the radio button to “Multiple startup projects” and change the order of projects so that ue4 project is above my own project. Now set the action for both projects to “start”. As described above in order to access this menu, you have to right click your solution within visual studio and then select the option “Set Startup Project”.

However I still get the error that the ue4.exe could not be found. But still the engine launches and I can debug the project.

Hope that helps anyone with the same issue.


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Thank you! :smiley:

same here, but when I set Project to ‘Start’ and theUE4 to ‘None’ it worked perfectly without the error message.

…wondering what caused this in the first place

Thanks It worked for me. I got this error after manually deleting my intermediate folder.

Thanks for posting this solution. I was trying out different editors to see which I preferred (Visual Studio community 2017 vs Visual Studio Code vs CLion) and through it all when I came back to VS2017 I had the same “Unable to start program…” message. I noticed the compile times were almost nothing, which I knew was wrong but due to my lack of experience with VS I didn’t know why. Through it all someplace along the way the UE4 project was bolded and set as the StartUp Project in the Solution Explorer. Your fix got me back on track!

Which solution file do we have to Startup Project ? There are two , one with the name “UE4” and the other has the name of my project . When I select the one with UE4 , its shows couldnt run UE4.exe , and when I set my game name one , VA plugin just scans a lot of things and things hang up

This saved my day!

U beautiful person :slight_smile:

Still work as of 4.26

Caray, it’s working!.. thanks!

Thanks it work again now

“Set as StartUp Project” does the job perfectly!