Best way to have multiple characters(races or classes)

Ok, so say i have a custom playerstate that contains info like health, mana, and other player info. What is the best way to set up a different race? The races have different attributes and health and mana. When the game starts up i just want to test with a simple button choice that lets you pick a race. How do i go about doing this with BP? Do i make a new ThirdpersonCharacter or do i do something else?

I think it’ll end up being a matter of preference for you. I am pretty new to UE4 but I know I saw a youtube tutorial that taught how to switch between different characters with a key event. I had a level set up with three different characters I could switch between based on that quick video.

make a function that sets all the variables that make your races different, for example setRace(skeletalMesh mesh, float health, float mana, float collision half size) etc.